1. What’s your body mass index (BMI)?
A. 18 to 21 (-7)
B. 22 to 24 (+4)
C. 25 to 30 (+10)
D. >30 (+20)
2. How much alcohol do you drink?
A. Two or three drinks a week (0)
B. Two or three drinks a month (0)
C. About one drink a day (+3)
D. Two or more drinks a day (+10)
E. None (0)
3. When you get frazzled, you:
A. Lace up your sneakers or call a girlfriend (-2)
B. Take a few deep breaths and keep going (-2)
C. Reach for brownies (+5)
D. Do nothing (+5)
4. How often do you eat red meat?
A. Every day (+12)
B. One to three times a week (+5)
C. Once or twice a month (0)
D. Never (-5)
5. Your highest level of education is:
A. High school (+3)
B. Some college (0)
C. College (-4)
D. Grad school (-5)
6. If you were in a personal crisis, how many people would help out, even if just to drop off a casserole?
A. Maybe 10 (-2)
B. Tons—I have a huge support network (-3)
C. A small group of friends and family (0)
D. I’d probably go it alone (+2)
7. How involved are you in the community at large?
A. I’m at a school, church, arts or charity activity about weekly (-5)
B. I volunteer regularly (-3)
C. I pitch in once or twice a year (-1)
D. I write a check now and then (0)
8. How many times a week do you get 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise?
A. Every day (-12)
B. Four or five (-9)
C. One to three (-4)
D. Does channel surfing count? (+5)
9. What’s your history with smoking?
A. I’ve never been a smoker (0)
B. I might sneak in a cig on weekends (+8)
C. I’ve quit and I feel much better (+4)
D. I’ve quit but I still have problems with my lungs (+10)
E. I’m a regular smoker (+20)
10. Which meal best reflects your regular menu?
A. A burger, fries and dessert (+2)
B. Roasted vegetables with quinoa and chickpeas (-4)
C. Salmon with spinach and brown rice (-5)
D. Penne with chicken and a side salad (0)
11. Do you drink coffee?
A. Gotta have my two or three cups daily (-3)
B. I practically live at Starbucks (-3)
C. One morning mug (0)
D. I’m not a fan (0)
12. How is your sleep?
A. I score six to seven hours nightly (-4)
B. I like 8 to 10 hours if I can get it (-4)
C. I squeeze in four to six hours (+5)
D. I only get a couple of hours (+7)
13. Let’s talk about sex.
A. I’m not seeing much action (0)
B. I do it three times a week on average (-3)
C. More like once a week for me (-3)
D. I get frisky maybe once a month (0)
14. Did any of your relatives live to age 95?
A. At least one person in my family (-10)
B. I’m not sure (0)
C. Nope (0)
1. Add up the numbers next to each response.
2. Divide that number by 10.
3. If you get a negative number, subtract that number from your chronological age. If you get a positive number, add that to your age.
For example, say you’re 43 years old. If your final score is -40, divide that by 10 and you’ll get -4. Subtract that from 43——your true biological age is 39! If your final score is +15, divide that by 10 and you’ll get +1 1/2. That means your true age is 44 1/2.